Mondo*arc Magazine Features Fitzwilliam Museum

Temporary installation at e-Luminate Festival in the spotlight



Mondo*arc magazine has put the spotlight on a recent Lumenpulse installation at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Commending the installation's dynamic design, the magazine cited lighting designer Gabby Shawcross' attention to detail. ‘'For this piece the artist selected and sampled 200 colours from objects in the museum to create the colour palette for the lighting,'' it wrote.

Please visit mondo*arc to read the full article.

Conceived as part of the e-Luminate Festival, the lighting design was a temporary installation at the 200-year-old museum.

Lumenfacade Color Changing luminaires were installed at the base of individual columns and aimed towards the top of the building to cover the entire facade and portico with light. Lumenbeam Small, Medium and Color Changing luminaires were then used to wash the central columns of the main entrance. Installed against the wall at the base of the front steps, the luminaires maintained the portico's dynamic, colorful lighting concept, helping to set the stage for visitors.

The Fitzwilliam Museum installation marked Lumenpulse's second involvement with the e-Luminate Foundation, a UK-based organization dedicated to promoting the intersection of art and science in lighting. The first involved recreating the original lighting design concept at the Swiss Garden at Shuttleworth in Old Warden, UK.

Click here for more information on Lumenfacade and Lumenbeam luminaires.