Montreal Gazette Spotlights Lumenpulse LEDs

Montreal newspaper profiles Notre-Dame Basilica and the work of lighting designer Gilles Arpin


Montreal, QC

The Montreal Gazette recently turned the spotlight on the city’s Plan Lumière, a long-term urban lighting initiative breathing new life into Old Montreal’s architecture. The paper published two separate articles in a three-page spread, which profiled the work of Éclairage Public’s Gilles Arpin and put the spotlight on his use of Lumenpulse’s LED fixtures.

The first article took a closer look at Arpin’s elegant lighting design for the Notre-Dame Basilica, which retrofit the local landmark with more than 150 Lumenpulse LED fixtures, including the Lumenbeam and Lumenfacade families. Reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs, the new design has also helped to better define the church, accentuating architecture by highlighting features and bringing out shadows. “Sometimes, the shadows help us understand a building,” Arpin told the Gazette. Read the full story here. 

Arpin has used Lumenpulse’s LED luminaires on other Plan Lumière projects, including City Hall, Customs House, Place Jacques-Cartier and the Clock Tower in the Old Port. The Gazette ran a brief overview of these projects and more. Read the full story here