Architectural SSL Spotlights Boston’s Echelman Sculpture

Architecture magazine speaks to designers Arup about lighting the monumental public art installation


Boston, MA

The June issue of Architectural SSL turned the spotlight on Janet Echelman’s "As if it Were Already Here" sculpture in Boston. Detailing the complexities involved in lighting a 365-foot high sculpture (which moves with the wind), the magazine commended the Arup-designed lighting scheme, calling it powerful, compelling, and theatrical.

Please visit the Architectural SSL site for the full article.

Arup’s design concept was to achieve a soft wash of light across the face of the sculpture, ensuring it stood out from its downtown surroundings. To get the necessary light output, Arup chose RGBW Lumenbeam Grande luminaires with a combination of 10- and 20-degree beam angles.

“Lumenpulse had just released the new generation of the Lumenbeam Grande, which allowed us to stick to that smaller form factor, instead of having to use larger fixtures. Their intensity and light output was essential, and with RGBW, we could make sure the whites would pop, and still have a nice palette of colors and hues,” said Jake Wayne, lighting designer at Arup.

Please click here for the Echelman Sculpture case study