Lumenpulse & Fluxwerx Used in Multiple AL Design Award Winning Installations

Projects Featuring Lumenpulse and Fluxwerx Products Win Awards at the AL Light & Architecture Design Awards

Press Project

The Lumenpulse Group is proud to announce that three installations featuring Lumenpulse and Fluxwerx products have been awarded the Best Use of Daylight, a Commendable Achievement, Interior Lighting and a Commendable Achievement, Exterior Lighting at this year's  AL Light & Architecture Design Awards. The winners were announced in this year's Architectural Lighting August issue.

"This year's projects display a particular agility and deftness in their design responses, each showcasing technical skill coupled with artistic inventiveness as well as, perhaps most importantly, an awareness about light and its ability to be the defining element that completes a project," said Elizabeth Donoff, Editor-in-Chief of Architectural Lighting. 

L'Acte Lumière Wins Commendable Achievement, Exterior Lighting for the Strasbourg Cathedral

Xavier Boymond

L'Acte Lumière used approximately 400 Lumenpulse luminaires, carefully concealed from view on the structure's exterior, to reveal the French cathedral's splendour: the distinctive colours of its sandstone, its intricate masonry and layers, and its incredible height.

The new lighting design is part of a unified lighting plan for Strasbourg and has completely transformed the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit the Strasbourg Cathedral case study for the project profile. Wins Commendable Achievement, Interior Lighting

Lighting design firm Architecture & Light implemented a scheme with multiple layers of light to achieve an inclusive, easy-to-maintain, energy-efficient workspace with a gentle bright interior.

The design used Fluxwerx View pendant with direct/indirect lighting to provide 40 to 50 foot candles for the open office space while Lumenfacade Inground fixtures with direct view lens provide light to the interior courtyard. Read about the award-winning entry here.

Baylor University Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation, Best Use of Daylighting

Lam Partners' lighting design uses Fluxwerx Profile and View luminaires as support lighting for their splendid and ingenious daylighting of a four-story atrium.

The Fluxwerx luminaires provide nighttime uplighting for the reflective ceiling panels that disperse sunlight during the day. The AL jury cites the lighting design as "Expertly done and well thought out."

The Architectural Lighting Annual Design Awards ceremony will take place December 7th at the Standard Hotel in New York City.   For more information about the AL Light and Architecture Design Awards, please visit