Características y beneficios
Windows compatibleSupplied with Lumenstudio® software and compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Integrates with 3rd party control systems
Additional RS232, Ethernet and infrared inputs enable integration with 3rd party building or theater management systems
Eventos de calendario y reloj astronómico
Los espectáculos pueden programarse para activarse por hora y fecha o al amanecer y el atardecer en cualquier parte del mundo
255 efectos de espectáculos únicos y dinámicos
2 universos de DMX512 nativo permiten una amplia gama de opciones de espectáculos
Fácil instalación
Se puede instalar en pocos minutos, para nuevas configuraciones y renovaciones
Elegant design
Slim profile, touch sensitive buttons and universal mounting plate compatible with any electrical back box
Solución plug-and-play
Se puede vincular con el software Lumencue™ y Lumenstudio® para proporcionar un controlador DMX plug-and-play independiente
Touch-sensitive control
The first generation Lumentouch has been discontinued. Please consult the Lumentouch 2.0 page for more information on the latest touch-sensitive controller from Lumenpulse.
Lumentouch is an intuitive, touch-sensitive DMX512 controller. Users can program, modify and trigger lighting effects and shows, dimmers, speed and color, with just a simple touch. Designed for all manner of applications, the controller is adaptable to various sizes of recessed electrical boxes and easy to install.