Centre ASCCS

A popular, multi-purpose community centre and sports complex utilises Lumenpulse Luminaires in its interior and exterior lighting design to create a safe, pleasing, and functional aesthetic. 

After being involved with the first expansion project in 2007, the South-Central Sports and Community Association (ASCCS) became so popular that they once again asked BBBL_Provencher_Roy to join in a second expansion project. The ASCCS is a popular community "member" and is dear to locals who utilize its many programs and facilities year-round. The new expansion was designed to further the ASCCS' reach by diversifying its services to include a psychomotricity room and additional community hall spaces. The expansion also enhanced three existing training rooms, administrative offices, and attached public library. 


Because the ASCCS is a public building, the lighting scheme had to be functional and comfortable, but not without a pleasing aesthetic. The overall lighting concept is minimalist and fully integrated to the point of being fluid with the architecture itself. BBBL_Provencher_Roy used Lumenpulse luminaires to achieve their design goals. A variety of downlights were used throughout the various rooms with gypsum ceilings as they were small and easily recessed. "We were impressed by the reach of the Lumenpulse downlights. They are small, yet powerful, which allowed us to really space them out in the ceiling and use less luminaires while still achieving full coverage," said Maryse Laberge, Associate Architect at BBBL_Provencher_Roy.


Lumenpulse Lumenline luminaires were integrated between the wooden slatted ceiling of the reception area as well as between soundproofing tiles in the general use rooms and library. The Lumenline luminaires create continuous lines of light while blending with the aesthetics of the room such as the linear ceiling layouts. The Fluxwerx Notch recessed luminaires are used throughout the office areas and the gym.


On the exterior, Lumenpulse downlights were embedded into the soffits to create an attractive constellation effect in the entryway during the evenings. This both adds to the curb appeal of the centre, while also creating a distinctive and memorable signature to the addition. Crown-mounted Lumenfacade luminaires downlight the path that runs the circumference of the addition.


The general, grazing, and flood applications achieved using the Lumenpulse luminaires is consistently unified throughout the new ASCCS addition. The result of such a cohesive aesthetic is a clean, thorough, and safe overall lighting scheme that enhances the enjoyment the centre offers.

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Ubicación: Montréal, Quebec, Canadá
Mercado: Instituciones y lugares de trabajo
Custom Solutions: Mountings, Poles and Structures
Cliente: Association du centre sportif et communautaire du Centre-Sud
Diseño de iluminación: BBBL_Provencher_Roy
Ingeniero: BPA
Fotógrafo: David Boyer

We were impressed by the reach of the Lumenpulse downlights. They are small, yet powerful, which allowed us to really space them out in the ceiling and use fewer luminaires while still achieving full coverage.

Maryse Laberge
Associate Architect

This project showcases tailor-made lighting
solutions by Atelier LP.